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Julie Turpin Reveals the Secret Ingredient for Successful Change in Her Latest Fast Company Article

July 15, 2024 | Brown & Brown Insurance | Corporate News

We are excited to announce that our Chief People Officer, Julie Turpin, has published her latest article as a Fast Company Executive Board contributor. In her new piece, “Executive buy-in is great, but there’s something even better!” Julie delves into the importance of involving teams in decision-making processes to achieve effective organizational transformation.

The article emphasizes that while executive buy-in is essential, it’s not sufficient in today’s complex work environment. Julie highlights the need for authenticity, consistency and resourcefulness within teams to foster a culture of proactive change management. She shares personal insights, including how revamping her morning routine has positively impacted her productivity and mindset.

Key takeaways from Julie’s article include:

  1. Authenticity: Building trust through open dialogue and transparency.
  2. Consistency: Maintaining core values to provide a stable foundation for change.
  3. Resourcefulness: Encouraging creativity and teamwork to overcome challenges.

We invite you to read Julie’s insightful article and discover how proactive leadership and team involvement can drive successful change initiatives.

Click here to read “Executive buy-in is great, but there’s something even better!”