Thought Leadership

Be Revolutionary: Define Your Own Success Today

October 8, 2024 | Brown & Brown Insurance | Thought Leadership

Be Revolutionary: Define Your Own Success Today
by Julie Turpin, Chief People Officer at Brown & Brown Insurance

In the early 2000s, at the age of 30, I faced one of the most important decisions of my career: take a job offer at a company with a culture that didn’t align with my values, or venture into the unknown in search of alignment with who I am.

I was working for a non-regulated utility that had just had the most successful IPO in Minnesota history. A series of concurrent events impacted our asset performance, so we were at a critical juncture facing restructuring under a new utility.

“Lucky” employees who were offered positions within the new organization would forfeit any potential severance if they turned down the job. I was offered a new position. With two mortgages and limited savings, the practical choice seemed obvious.

But signing on the dotted line didn’t align with my gut feelings — and you should know by now how much I value my intuition!

By that point in my career, I could recognize that the new company’s structured, regulated environment would stifle the innovation and autonomy I thrived on. It was more of a “no and” culture than the “yes and” one I desired.

Professional crossroads like these are always challenging, whether you’re an intern starting your career or a seasoned professional. Truly knowing myself and my values is my tool for always making the right decision, not just the practical one.

The ultimate equation for career success

If you’re motivated by happiness and fulfillment at work like I am, I encourage you to follow my happiness at work equation: Values + Clarity x Culture = Happiness at Work

It breaks down into three core principles:

  1. Values: Clearly define your own values, focusing on what genuinely matters to you rather than what others might prioritize. What makes you feel animated and fulfilled? Your values might evolve over time, but it’s crucial to have a starting point.
  2. Clarity: Once you have a clear understanding of your values, you can identify the right culture for you. This clarity acts as a vetting system, helping you filter opportunities that align with your values.
  3. Culture: With clarity in hand, ask questions to understand a company’s culture during the job process. If you value entrepreneurship and creativity, a highly regulated company might not be the right fit. Ensure the culture aligns with your values to find happiness and growth in your career.

Many people focus on job responsibilities and compensation during their job search, overlooking the significance of vetting company culture. However, finding a workplace that resonates with your values and professional style is essential for long-term satisfaction and success.

Who are you?

The journey to self-awareness and self-knowledge is best taken with an open-minded approach, especially when you’re standing at the threshold of something new. It’s also important to acknowledge that what you want and care about can evolve and change as you grow. You will not be the same person in the middle of your career that you were at the beginning, nor will you be at the end.

The following best practices can help you stay open to your own evolution:

>> Get resourceful. Resourcefulness is an essential skill that can set you apart in any professional environment. In our society, we have access to an abundance of resources, but we often become complacent, relying on straightforward solutions instead of thinking outside the box.

Cultivate a mindset of creativity and adaptability. When faced with a problem, look for unconventional solutions and leverage all available resources, whether they are tools, networks or knowledge bases. You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn about yourself when you leave your comfort zone.

>> Stay curious. Our assumptions often stem from survival instincts, but they can limit our understanding and growth. Maintain a learner’s mindset by constantly seeking new information and experiences. Take on challenging projects that others might avoid. This willingness to tackle complex tasks will set you apart and provide invaluable learning opportunities.

>> Be brave. Be open to change; don’t be afraid to pivot as you continue your career journey. I began my career as a legal secretary, with minimal responsibility and predictable hours. However, I continuously updated my values and sought new challenges, eventually leading to different, more fulfilling roles.

Allow yourself the grace to evolve, try new things and upgrade your thinking. Embrace the uncertainty that comes with change and view it as an opportunity for growth. This bravery will expand your professional horizons and enhance your personal fulfillment and resilience.

You are the only person responsible for building and staying true to your values. I encourage you to define success by your standards, not someone else’s.

In a world that often tries to dictate what success should look like, staying true to your values is a revolutionary act. Doing so creates a career and life that are authentically yours, filled with purpose and happiness.

PurposeFULL Leadership
How Personal & Professional Growth Can Help You Lead A Fullfilled Life
by Julie Turpin, Chief People Officer at Brown & Brown Insurance

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